Rajendra's Academy 

                                                                                                                                      Bhikanpur Village, Post - Chhajlet,

 Kanth Road - Moradabad ( UP)


Online Registration 2024-2025   From : 01/06/2024 onwards

Parents who wish to apply for admission for their ward will have to  FILL IN CAPITAL with their name in our website i.e. https://rajendrasacademy.com/ After successful submitting, Registration Form will be sent to your registered E-mail ID.  Please ensure to mention your correct E-mail ID at the time of online filling of the form. School does not take any responsibility if form is not received by you due to your wrong E-mail ID.


1. Read the instructions carefully before filling the form.

2. Fill only one form for one applicant 

3. Use Tab Key or mouse control to fill in the form. Do not press Enter Key.

4. Fill in each entry accurately, edit if find necessary

5 .Child photo size to be upto 200kb  in jpg/jpeg

6.After filling in all the entries in the Registration Form, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom .

7.After the process , you will  receive the registration form  in your mail / login. 

8. Download & Print registration form  & visit school on the given day with the child for interaction 



1. Rs. 500/- is to be paid by Cash at School as per assigned day.

2. Registration Fee is non-refundable.


DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ON THE INTERACTION DATE FOR VERIFICATION: (originals are to be produced for verification)

Both the parents should come along with the child to submit the form and the required documents on the date as mentioned in the Form Submission Slip.


1. Original Birth Certificate.
2. Proof of Address.
3. Aadhaar Card of both the parents & student 
4. Age criteria shall be calculated as per age on 01st June 2024.
5. Birth Certificate 
6. In the Regn. Form, child’s name should be written as per the Birth Certificate issued by the Nagar Nigam.
Rajendra's Academy 

Bhikanpur Village, Post - Chhajlet,

Kanth Road, Moradabad-244501 (UP)

 Contact No.: 9411810174 / 8439948552

  Email: rajendrasacademy@gmail.com


 Applying online does not given any Guarantee for admission.

 No recommendation & influence shall be entertained.

 The decision of the Management regarding admission will be final and binding


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